Back in the Hannover forest:I found out that this beautiful old forest that I've enjoyed walking through, in Hannover, is called Eilenriede, and it has a rich history dating back to medievel times. Although the forest has been damaged by cattle, forestry and WWII, I can't image that parts of it wouldn't be classed as 'old growth'. Eillenriede is nearly twice as big an NY's central park.
I found the
translated German wikipedia page very interesting. For any of my colleages who may visit Hannover, I highly recommend a visit to this forest.

The tall forest canopy is so dense that the forest floor is cool and moist, even in the warm sun. Probably a perfect habitat for interesting slimy creatures that would dry out in any other environment.

I was totally unable to capture the shear magnitude of this White Oak tree on film. Digital SLR with wide-angle lens, won't you please come and live with me? I estimated the tree at > 4 ft. diamter, and somewhere over 80 ft. tall. As a young tree growing in a dense, mature forest, it would have had to grow fast and tall to compete for light. It's form is greatly unlike any Oak tree grown in open sun, it has a smooth, straight trunk for about 60 ft. maybe. It's hard to make out the upper branches.