
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

ya, ya, here's the list...

1. If you could have any job, without consideration of requirements, experience, or cash flow, what would you be doing?

Well, my job would entail the following four things:

1.) Managing two tree plantations, one of which would be in Ontario, which would include Eastern White Pine, Hybrid Poplar, Black Walnut, Yellow Birch, Black Cherry, Beach, White Oak and Sugar Maple. The other plantation would be in the tropics, and would include a variety of tropical hardwoods, especially Cocobolo.

2.) Managing an orchard of Apple and Pear trees.

3.) Building things. Mostly out of wood, but also maybe metal and concrete. "Things" could range anywhere from chess pieces to houses.

4.) Reading books and listening to jazz in a yurt on top of a mountain.

2. Who is your favourite character on Buffy: The Vampire Slayer? You're allowed to split this up into pre-season 6 and post-season 6 if desired.

I've never watched Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.

3. If you could have lunch with anyone, alive or dead, who would you have lunch with?

Marilyn Monroe

4. What movie which never got made would you most like to see?

I don't know, I have to think about it.

5. What was the last book (fiction only, no reference books) that you read?

Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson, an extremely good sci-fi book, recommended, and lent to me, by You Look Like a Nail.

6. If you could change any one historical incident, only to return to a present changed forever into a horrible mockery of the world you knew, Twilight Zone style, what historical incident would you change?

I've seen enough time travel movies to know that you don't mess with history. No thanks.

7. If you could have a summer home anywhere, where would you want it to be?

I don't know--someplace nice, but I hate travelling, so it would have to be close.

8. You know that episode of Friends where we find out Ross has a card with five names on it? Right. What five names would go on your card? Well, I've never seen a complete episode of Friends, but I think I get the idear..

Lauren Graham, of Gilmore Girls
Marilyn Monroe
Grace Park, who plays Boomer on BSG;
Wonder Woman
Susan Lewis, I stopped watching ER shortly after she left

9. God created the heavens and the earth in six days; on the seventh day He rested. If God hadn't rested on the seventh day what would He have created?

Some nice jazz music. Probably with a saxaphone, or maybe a trumpet. Also, probably some nice ale, to sip while listening to the jazz.

10. If you were able to take vacation anywhere in the world (money, time, etc all not withstanding) where would you go and why?

I'd tour Japanese gardens in Kyoto

11. What is your favourite wood?

Hmmm....good question. It's really a close race between Curly Maple, Cocobolo, and quartersawn clear Sitka Spruce. Also, Apple is a very nice wood too.

Chris - tee hee I found you!! I thuoght I'd leave you a little comment so you can find me! NETWORKING.
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